Hemingway Cocktail Restaurantwasborn in the heart of Alba, for centuries “capital of the Langhe”.Since 2009, ithasoffereditsloyallocal and international clientele the famousdelightsof thismarvellousregion. Assuch, its menu isfounded on:traditionali tajarin, asthinas a veil; smallravioli del plin ;delicious and delicate Fassoneveal,, enjoyed with a knifeand a drizzle of extravirgin olive oil; and tastytagliata, a real must-have of the menu, loved by bothlocal and foreign customers. But Hemingway Cocktail Restaurant’s menu – whichembraces an international flavourthanks to itsrenowned cocktails and drinks prepared by Simone – alsoprovides innovative dishes,aswellasan outstanding “Easy” menu. Thisismuchsought-afterby the night-time clientele of young millennials, whoenjoy, from midnightonwards, the best cosmopolitan snacks: Club sandwich, French toast, Bocadillo,croques, wrapsand bruschetta .